Creativity (thanks giving)

Making a turkey it is a nice activity for kids. They practice finger coordination, feel different surfaces, creat with many different materials one composition.

You will need: feather in different colours (let your kids wildest imagination drive)

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bounce up tooth brush

Make teeth brushing fun for kids. Get this bounce up tooth brush!!! just press on the belly of the animal the tooth brush will bounce up! It is very convenient for traveling and it is made of ecological materials.



Soooo cute!!!Please look at these jackets!!! very comfortable and warm!!! Price: 10$

More kids jeans/pants

more and more soft easy to wear and comfortable pants with interesting patterns. Made of environmentally friendly material 100% safe for the tender kids skin.

Price: 5$

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kids jeans

Kids love hello kitty!!! here is a pair that has everything kids love (comfortable, soft jeans) and many more pairs with different patterns.

All sizes for kids from 3 to 9year old.

Price: 5$

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kids bed on levels

Three level baby bed.

Perfect for 2- 8 years old kids. can be a play house, storage house, sofa, special corner and many more functions only limited by the kids imagination. It is made from friendly materials that are not poisonous , the shape is safe with no sharp edges.

Price: 20$

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Chinese pants

Usually the kids in China wear these pants with no underwear, so it is easy to “do their business”   in any time. These pants are very functional. kids look so cute in them.

Material: 100% soft cotton


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